Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spicy Prawns

Fresh caught prawns straight off a Pacific coast fishing boat and into an Italian kitchen … only good things can come from that.

This spicy dish is a result of that, wonderful over fresh pasta or a simple risotto. Since it's never quite the same way twice when we make it at home, this version comes with inspiration from Giada DeLaurentis (love her!).

A pile of fresh prawns or shrimp, uncooked and peeled (about ½ a kilo)
Olive oil (about a tablespoon)
Butter (about a tablespoon)
Chopped red onion
Finely diced garlic (3 or 4 cloves)
White wine (about a cup)
Diced canned tomatoes (about a cup)
Chopped fresh basil and parlsey
Dried red pepper flakes (1 to 2 teaspoons)
Salt and pepper to taste

Sauté the prawns in butter and oil until just cooked through, about 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a plate and set aside. Put a little extra oil (if needed) and the onion into the pan and soften, add garlic and cook another 2 minutes. Add tomatoes wine and red pepper flakes and simmer 15 minutes or so. Return prawns to the sauce, cook for 5 minutes or so, adding salt and pepper to taste. Transfer to a serving dish and dress with parsley and basil. 

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