Friday, September 10, 2010

Late Summer Salad

A few fresh things from the garden, a knob of fresh cheese, a drizzle of olive oil . . . this is my favourite way to eat. An assortment of delicate, flavourful bites that are all fresh and simple and mostly home-grown.

Tonight, I tossed some fresh arugula, tomatoes, some thin slices of zucchini, celery leaves, fresh parsley and basil – all straight out of the garden – onto a plate. I tore up some fresh mozzarella and dressed everything generously with extra virgin olive oil, a little red wine vinegar and lemon juice, some sea salt and a good grinding of black pepper. Add some frico and prosciutto and it makes a perfect meal.

We sat on the back deck, drinking glasses of cold white wine and savouring these little plates of late-summer lusciousness.

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