Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rebellious Polenta in Pancetta Cups

Lately, I have been a bit of a rebel in my father’s eyes. I have done the unthinkable– made polenta with (gasp) cream and cheese and pancetta. A lifelong good girl and a decidedly non-rebellious teenager, I am finding my kitchen bad girl streak quite exhilarating . . . and delicious.

This week, I made these pancetta cups filled with soft, creamy polenta. A drizzle of white truffle oil put them over the top.

Crispy Pancetta Cups
Fry paper-thin slices of pancetta in a dry pan
While still hot, press each slice on an overturned shot glass, let it cool and then transfer to a paper-towel lined plate

Creamy, Cheesy Polenta
½ cup corn meal
½  cup milk
½ cup cream
1 cup chicken stock
½ cup finely grated montasio, asiago or parmesan cheese, plus extra for garnish
Garnish: Finely grated herbs, cheese, white truffle oil

Bring cornmeal and liquids to a slow boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and continue to stir over medium-low heat for about 30 minutes. When polenta is soft and creamy, remove from heat and stir in cheese.
Spoon polenta into pancetta cups, garnish with more grated cheese, herbs and a drizzle of white truffle oil or extra virgin olive oil.

Spread any leftover polenta is a shallow pan before it cools. This can be kept for several days in the fridge. Slice into wedges and grill in the oven under the broiler.

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